Spring Into Easter 2024 Renew With Clean Slate and Restore

Cleanse & The Regeneration

Today is:

Repair with Clean Slate & Regenerate with Restore

HI! I'm Claire Poulton. Thanks for Visiting

Spring Into Easter

Time to Eradicate and Repair! All of us at ROOT Wellness, espouse the philosophy of "Science vs. Marketing".

There is nothing more frustrating or maddening than having a "Secret Stash" of nutritional supplements that you:

  • Were convinced by "Shamwow Marketing Techniques"?
  • Joined an MLM Supplement Company with high hopes?
  • Listened to your sister-in-law's cousin's boyfriend?
  • Bought products because they were on sale (or were cheap)?

Repair and Regeneration Available HERE

Don't feel bad

We've all have those "Secret Stashes" (or did have). After wasting a LOT of time and money buying and promoting "Nutritional" products that were over-hyped and did not come close to the expectations.

Did You Know?

Most, if not all of these MLM promoted products come from the same sources. The raw ingredients are sold in big "TUBS", shipped to an assembly plant where the workers add the ingredients together in huge batches. They are then packaged up into their Customer's Brand Packaging and shipped off.



Our products are formulated by Dr. Christina Rahm. Most if not all other "Nutritional Companies" do NOT have their own product formulator! Plus, The ROOT BRANDS PRODUCTS has their own ingredient resources.

Clean Slate

The Difference Between CLEAN SLATE & "Zeloite" Products

CLEAN SLATEwas formulated with proprietary patent-pending techniques that ignite the utility processes creating bioavailable silica from nature’s most powerful source and adding trace minerals and vitamin C.

Clean Slate Ingredients

  • Water
  • Vitamin C
  • Silicon Dioxide
  • Concentrated Sea Salt
  • Potassium Sorbate (preservative)
bottle-of-clean-slate-with-clinoptilolite crystals

Root Clean Slate is a form of orth-silicic acid, derived from a superior form of clinoptilolite (zeolite), a naturally occurring volcanic crystalline mineral.

Its unique honeycomb cage-like structure (which is cleansed before use to ensure bio-availability) has a negative charge which attracts and can bind and trap a multitudcde of heavy metal, toxins, etc., eliminating them passively through the body, is proving to be very effective in addressing the ubiquitous toxicity.

Root Clean Slate uses a unique delivery system QNET - a Quantum Nano Emulsion Technology. QNET is an innovative way to amalgamate ingredients through a nano-emulsions technology. This is a novel delivery system that has never been done before; it's original.

Repair and Regeneration Available HERE


What Ingredients Are In Restore?
  • Raspberry Extract
  • Turmeric Root Extract
  • Curcuma Ionga 95% Curcumin
  • Resveratrol Extract
  • Polygonum Cuspidatum Root
  • D-Ribos
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Aloe Vera Powder (Aloe Barbadensis)
  • Black Cumin Seed Oil
  • Organic Sugar 3g
  • Sodium 10mg


RESTORE is strategically formulated as a quantum nano-emulsion of natures most powerful support system to protect and regenerate your microbiome. RESTORE works to destroy fungus and parasites while supporting the reduction of systemic inflammation and rehabilitate your gut tight junctions. RESTORE simply provides a tasty crucial gift from our heart to your hands.

Repair and Regeneration Available HERE

dr-bunny-medical-medical-disclaimerThe information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or a substitute for the medical advice of a physician or other qualified health care professionals. This information is not to be used for self-diagnosis. Please always consult with your doctor for medical advice or information about diagnosis and treatment. Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. ROOT is a company founded on improving people's understanding of how toxins and chemicals can harm your health. Instead of focusing on symptoms, ROOT targets the underlying root cause with natural wellness.